
Swept Away by Broome

If you've never heard of Broome, you aren't alone. It's a tiny beach town on the Western edge of Australia that is known for pearls and camel rides (I'll get to that in a few). Once the Australian tour wrapped up, we still had a few days before I had to be back in the US and Ron left for the UK so we researched temporary headquarters for Ron Pope Music/DancePanda Entertainment. We ended the tour in Perth, so we weren't exactly in the best position to get to a lot of places. We found some AMAZINGLY cheap deals for Bali... if only it wasn't the height of rainy season! After some deliberation between our Aussie friends, they decided for us and told us to go to Broome, WA. We wouldn't be disappointed - they just knew it. Admittedly, the lure of camels was just about enough to make us say yes anyway. 

Melbourne Munchies

I maaaay have mentioned this once or twice, but Melbourne has quickly become one of my favorite cities in the world. Basically, it's Brooklyn on the other side of the planet. While the similarities are pretty striking (awesome shopping, interesting graffiti, cool bars, industrial areas, hipstery gentlemen, scary homeless people), they really stand out in a couple of areas. Stop me if you've heard this, but Melbourne is RIDICULOUS at coffee and food. No, don't stop me because I won't stop.

Operation Australia

I'm on the last leg of my flight back to New York, so I thought I'd get the Australia post party started. I think I may have beat jet lag... but that could just be the delirium talking. Or the pink elephants next to me. 24 hours of flying time -- hooray! My main goal at the moment (other than writing this post) is to get to New York and not forget to collect my bags. My second goal is to not forget to order pizza the second I get in the cab so it arrives at my apt 7-13 minutes after I get home.That's where I'm at right now (I feel I should preface anything I write right now with some sort of disclaimer).