New York

Travels: A Spring Hamptons Weekend

Just when I had started to be a real life blogger, I threw it all away and skipped this weekend.

We spent this past weekend in the Hamptons with some of our close friends (and their cute baby, Max). As you might remember, Ron and I always spend a weekend in the fall out here (read: Anniversary Trip), so it was nice to enjoy some springtime beach weather. Up here "springtime weather" almost always means still very cold -- definitely no swimsuits. 

Lately: Studio Peeks

It's been basically all studio days and nights here lately. I usually pop by once a day to see what they're working on... and the rest of the time I relish in the silence that is my house when Ron isn't here. I MEAN I SIT AROUND MISSING RON'S VOICE. I kid, of course. I do miss that stinker when he isn't around asking questions and thinking of things to write on his white board. 

A New York New Year (+ Resolutions)

If you've followed me since last year (or even the year before - yikes!), you might recall that I am not a fan of resolutions and never make them. However, now that I'm slightly older, yet much wiser, I've decided to amend that decision. It doesn't hurt to kick off the new year on a positive note with some nice goals in mind. I started thinking about what I should resolve to do and out of pure unoriginality all I could come up with were health resolutions -- which honestly don't make that much sense for me. Get ready to hate me: I don't really like dessert, I kind of never eat sugar, I drink so much water that I constantly have to pee, and I don't have too much trouble motivating myself to exercise. My insides are pretty safe and sound.

Family Traditions

About 6 years ago, my main man RP and I started a really sweet tradition of going on a day-trip to the Hamptons each year in the fall. I wrote about it once before in a really lovely post (If I do say so myself) on my old blog that I actually used to keep up. Slowly that day trip became a stay over trip, and then this year we finally jumped into a weekend trip. However, it was with good reason that we indulged in a little Hamptons R&R - we were celebrating our very first wedding anniversary. Cheers to us, we made it through a year of wedded bliss.

Family Traditions