
Typical Days: October // Fall Loves

So if you read my last post, you know that it's been a bit crazy around here. I mean, really, when is it not, but we have gone overboard even for ourselves! Ahhh, we are idiots. If you are interested in what's going on work-wise, you should listen to Popecast #3 up on Soundcloud! The podcast has been such a fun little side-project for us. It's neat getting to interact with Ron's fans on a more regular basis. 

Typical Days: October // Fall Loves

Seasonally Affected

Fall is officially here. Or wait, it was here and now it's gone again. Oh it's back! I'm not talking about the date of the Autumnal Equinox marking the calendar start of autumn/fall. I'm talking about ACTUAL fall weather which seems more like a tease half the time. I feel like we are predisposed to obsess over it. It's such a welcome break from the sweltering heat that almost every person walks around with a dopey "IT'S FALL!" look on their face while taking an iPhone photo of a dead leaf.