Typical Days: Many Thanks!

Typical Days: Many Thanks!
thankful for you and pumpkins of all sizes

thankful for you and pumpkins of all sizes

Hello my lovely ladies (and a few lads)! Just wanted to pop in a quick hello to say thanks for following us on this crazy adventure. Sometimes I question why we do this at all, but then I'll get a sweet note from one of you on the other side of the world and it makes my day all better. THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting the music and our crazy wild minds. 

If you're not cooking today, you can listen to the latest installment of the Popecast! Or maybe even if you are cooking and want to tune out your family asking when the turkey is going to be done. Listen here! 

Ok. Really - love you. Going to start cleaning and getting stuff ready for our small Nashville orphan-couple gathering! 

